

366 Project: May Pictures

This was a "dentist chair day", as my mother-in-law calls it...wonderful memories that you can think about when you are in a dentist chair trying not to freak out.  We had a perfect day spent outside playing.  Lane loves being outside and he took a little nap on the blanket.
Oh how I have missed Opry Mills!!  The boys spent forever in the Lego store.

Getting ready for Julie's shower.

This is one of my favorites!!

I love watching my boys!  I can't wait for Lucas to play pitching machine though.  It is so much more exciting to watch.

He's getting chubby☺

Lucas loves his brother!

We did a salt experiment with our study of Israel when we discussed the Dead Sea.  Lucas said he wants to go to the Dead Sea because there aren't and sharks there.

He created his own costume...not sure what he is.

I came downstairs to this.  They were sticking their heads in the sink filled with water.  They made a huge mess but I just had to laugh at them.  I think they are ready to go swimming.

My boys were so sweet all week long to celebrate Mother's Day.  Logan made the Lego sign and they made up a dessert for me.  It was marshmallows melted with chocolate chips.  It was SOO sweet! 

So blessed to be their mom!

On Sunday afternoon, Lucas had an allergic reaction to something outside.  No fun!

No words...not a fan of this.

Three-legged race at track and field. 

Sporadic trip to Chattanooga so Landon could get a new driver.  The boys had fun playing on the putting green.

Lane found his hands.  It's so funny to watch him cross-eyed in amazement. 

Snuggle time with daddy!

Lucas at Jace's super fun ninja birthday party.

3 months

Wii time.

Friends at the driving range.

Oh yes, he fell asleep standing up.

First swim!

Completed day 1 of couch to 5K for Logan.

Logan had an awesome play and got the game ball.

1,2,3, GO!

Heartbreaking game that we almost won. 

Organizing legos.  I have no idea how they know what every little piece goes to.  It's amazing.

Sword fighting...a common activity at our house.  It never fails, shortly after they start I hear crying, running to find me, then tattling.
They built this around Lane while he was taking a nap.


Lane: 3 months!

My sweet baby is three months old already!  Here are a few pictures taken by Suzanne.  I didn't think we would get any good ones because he was Mr. Fussypants today.  I was pleasantly surprised to have several that I just adore. 


Hebrews Highlights #2: Better Rest

Better Rest: Hebrews 4:1-4:13

This section is one that really made me ponder.  Hebrews 4:1 tells us that we have a promise of entering His rest. I was led all over the bible about rest and what kind of rest this is talking about.

In six days, God completed all of creation and on the seventh day, He rested from all His works.
In the covenant God made with His chosen people He commanded them to rest from their work
and keep the Sabbath on the seventh day of each week. He also commanded them to rest the land
every seventh year. But what does it mean to enter God's rest? Is it just a physical rest on one
day out of seven or is it more?

One of the Ten Commandments that I haven't ever fully understood is keeping the Sabbath. What
does that really mean. Is it just physical rest? We all have personal opinions on what would be
acceptable in this area. But what is acceptable rest to God and what is He asking us to do once a
week? We aren't under the old law anymore but according to Exodus 31:14, God takes this
seriously because He said whoever does any work on the sabbath day shall surely be put to death.

I remmber as a child hearing that it was wrong to mow your yard on Sunday because that
was considered work. Off and on I have felt confused about what is real rest on the Sabbath. Is it
a sin for me to cook dinner for my family because that is considered work? What if I go out to eat
and cause others to work so I don't have to? What if your job requires you to work on Sundays?
I heard of a tragic story about a church gathering for a meal after morning church. The person
made it ahead of time on Saturday so she wouldn't work on Sunday and ended up causing
food poisoning resulting in a death of a child. Was that pleasing to God?

I still don't have all the answers but I feel that God doesn't want us to be legalistic about it. The
religious leaders in Jesus' day also got tripped up on this very issue. They reprimanded Jesus for
healing someone because it was on the Sabbath. God gave us the example by resting Himself, not
because He was tired and needed a break, just like Jesus didn't need to be baptized because of His
sin. It was a model for us to follow. I feel that we are to take the day to reflect on Him. God said
to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.

Is the Sabbath rest just resting on one day of seven? The writer of Hebrews encourages us to be
diligent to enter that rest so that no one will fall. In my study, Kay said there are three commonly
held views of this rest:
    1) The faith-rest life. This is the realization that we are simply to rest in faith and trust in the
         promises of God, not to strain to please Him by our own efforts or works.
    2) The millennial rest. The time when Christ will rule on earth for 1000 years and the nation of
         Israel will finally receive all that was promised under the New Covenant. Israel will live at
         rest in the promised land while Christ rules as King of Kings.
    3) The new heaven and new earth. After the present heaven and earth are destroyed, peace will
        reign forever in a new heaven and new earth.

The context of chapter four says that another rest lies beyond the one that Moses and Joshua could
provide. The last verse of Hebrews 4 is familiar to many

Our rest is more than a literal "day off' to rest from our physical toil. It is also a rest from
working to earn salvation or God's favor. Our rest is to rest in grace. We are called to do good
works because faith without works is dead. Our works reveal our faith, proving our faith is more
than words, but our works don't earn our salvation.

Hebrews Highlights #1: Better Messenger

Yesterday, I finished my study of the book of Hebrews.  It is the first study I have completed after having the baby and I went much slower than I was accustomed, but nonetheless, I finished.  It has been a while since I have written highlights on a book I have studied. In this book there have been many things I wanted to share that have been convicting to me, have made me really ponder, and things that have made me ask questions because I didn't fully understand.  I just haven't been able to find the time. I was planning on doing this all in one post but it was too long so this will be over several posts instead.  The theme that I kept reading throughout the whole book is that Jesus is better and He is sovereign over anyone and everything.
This book is different from other New Testament letters because the author is not identified. The content of the letter reveals that his audience is steeped in the Old Testament, the tabernacle, the Sabbath, the priesthood, and the sacrifices.  This means the audience is Jewish and the reason for the name of the book.  However, the message of this book isn't just for Jews alone.  We are grafted into that line so it is for Christians as well.  It connects the Old Testament to the New Testament teaching that Jesus is better than the Old Covenant and that He came to fulfill it. 

1.  Better Messenger:  Hebrews 1-2
In the first two chapters, we are told that Jesus is better than the angels.  Although they are also created by God and used as His messengers all throughout scripture, Jesus is a better messenger
because He came to fulfill God's plan of salvation to all mankind.  Some put angels in a place of
worship rather than the only One who is worthy.  Hebrews 1:6 tells us that the angels worship
the Son, so we need not worship them, but the One they worship.

People have many beliefs about angels that aren't bible-based.  Many are based on television and
movies such as City of Angels or Michael, which aren't scriptural at all.  Many are intrigued about who angels are and if they truly exist.  There are hundreds of verses in the bible about angels and
if you believe the bible to be true, we know angels are real.  Here are a few truths about angels that I discovered through scripture:
     * they presented themselves before the Lord and satan was among them
     * there is joy in the presence of angels of God over one sinner who repents
     * satan was an angel; unrighteousness was found in him and God cast him down from the
     * satan disguises himself as an angel of light (not the red man with pitchfork that we may
     * we aren't to worship angels, taking a stand on visions we have seen, inflated without cause by
        fleshly minds
     * they are subjected to the authority of Christ

There is much more in scripture about them, but I won't write it all.  One misconception that I   
have heard several times is how some believe that we will turn into angels,  or how a loved
one will get their wings and becomes a guardian angel.  As warm and cozy as that sounds, that
isn't what scripture says about them.☺ We are made separate from angels and we will not become
one in eternity. 

God says His Son is different from the angels and prophets.  Hebrews 1:1-2 says that they spoke  
in many portions and in many ways, but in these last days, God has spoken to us in His Son...our
better messenger.  Jesus is better than the angels.  He has a better name and a better position.
Unlike the angels, He became flesh that He might come to our aid and save us from our sins.  He
came to redeem us and rescue us from the one who held us captive under the power of death.


Giveaway Winner...

Thank you all for the kind comments!  There were thirty entries total and I used a random number generator.  Jamie Sullivan was my witness and can account that it was completely random☺

Here were the entries:

1- Stephanie Isbill
2- Sherrie Wagner
3- Jessica Fuller
4- Jessica Fuller
5- Ashley Brandes
6- Ashley Brandes
7- Amber Weatherly
8- Amber Weatherly
9- Kim
10- Lauren Kruse
11- Ellen
12- Ellen
13- Cassie
14- Katy Dwyer
15- Kristen Harner
16- JDHenderson
17- Melissa Dennis
18- Megan Rowe
19- Megan Blaylock
20- Megan Blaylock
21- Amanda Stockton
22- Amanda Stockton
23- Alisa Johnston
24- Margo
25- Margo
26- JKR
27- Michaela Goodwin
28- Sara Farris
29- Samantha Heady
30- Rachel Bussell

The lucky number was #24.  The $20 store credit goes to Margo.  Congrats!  Pick out your items and messge me what you want☺



When I put together Lane's nursery I made some digital art to match the decor.  That started an idea to make more to sell on since had already created a store a few years back for my embroidery items. 

I didn't know what to expect or even if I would sell any at all, but this morning I rounded off 100 sales!!  It is a creative outlet for me because I love to come up with new ideas and designs. 

This has been my most popular item so far.

I pin all my new designs to my pinterest account and as of yesterday this design was pinned over 1,000 times.  (I wish it would sell that many times too☺). 

So, to celebrate I am going to do a giveaway.  The first five people to comment on this blog post will be emailed this image.  Everyone who comments will have a chance to win a $20 store credit giveaway which will be randomly selected from the comments.  For extra chances, share this link to your facebook wall ☺  Leave a note to say you shared it so I don't overlook you.  Make sure your first and last name is on the post so I know who the winners will be.

Winners will be announce on Thursday, May 3 on another blog post.  Check back to see if you're a winner!

Check out my store to see some new items:  The Meek Boutique