

Lane's 2nd Birthday Party

This year for Lane's birthday, we had a Mickey Mouse party.  He LOVES Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and he loved Disney World!  It's hard to believe my baby is TWO already.  He is such a blessing to us!  We had a small party again this year with immediate family (and Julie...close as family).  It was a beautiful day to celebrate.

I adore this wreath!  Rachel made it and I thought it was so cute!
Julie asked me what she could do to help.  I sent her a picture of a sign like this.  She was so sweet to make it!!  
The burlap garland was really easy to make, and I love how it turned out!
These took a while to make, but I love them!  I printed out Mickey Mouse comic strips and decoupaged them to these cardboard letters from Hobby Lobby. 
While we were at Disney World, we bought two molds and a cookie cutter to make some sweet treats for the party.
Mickey chocolates.
Mamaw made the cookies!  Hers are soooo good!
Mickey brownies.
Rebecca made the cake for Lane.
I love his shirt!  I sewed on some buttons and hand embroidered his name.
Sweet little cousins.
Let's eat!
He liked the Mickey sprinkles.  He picked them off to eat them.

Lane and Grandpa or gee-paw as he calls it:)
Lane and Granny.
Lane and Nana.
Lane with Mawaw and Papaw.
Aunt Sara came even though she had major dental surgery the day before.  So sweet!
Rachel and some coordinating friends.
Lane and Aunt Rebecca.
Lane with Uncle Michael, Aunt Alyx, and Davis.
Lane loves Julie.  She gives him candy:)

My kind of gift!  I think it's more for me instead.  haha
Lane got several musical toys for his birthday.  They had a little jam session.
Mickey Legos!

Four generations at his party.

You take what you can get.  haha.

We love you Lane Turner!!!!  


Valentine's Party

Over Christmas break, Julie had an idea for a Valentine's party similar to our Christmas party.  She volunteered to host and we all pitched in for the food and crafts.  She did such a great job decorating and making her home festive for the holiday!  It was a sweet party and many wonderful memories were made.  
What would we do without Pinterest?!?  That's where all the ideas for the food came from.

I felt really bad because I couldn't help with this project that I dropped on Julie.  I have always loved these envelopes from Pottery Barn, but I thought they looked simple to make.  However, I was in Disney World the whole week before the party and couldn't help make them.  I ordered mine to make three less for her to make, but she and her mom did an amazing job!!
Little friends love their pacis!
The kids exchanged Valentine's to each other.
Going through their loot.
My kids were impressed with Aiden's candy robot!

Let's eat!
Little Oreo thief.

Photo Booth:

Valentine Craft:
The kids made Valentine's for the widows in our church and Julie's church.  Ness Cunningham came to our party and she read James 1:27, "Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world."  We explained that Valentine's Day can be sad for those who have lost their loved ones.  We have sixteen widows in our church and nine in our church that we sent a Valentine to.  You just never know what seemingly small act of kindness can make such an impact on someone else. These were very much appreciated.  

I asked Ness to come and teach a lesson to the kids about God's love.  She did such a WONDERFUL job!  I just love her♥♥♥♥

Cookie Decorating:

Fingerprint Craft:
Love these sweet friends:)