

Wall of Remembrance #1

Over the last year, the Lord has revealed Himself to me in such an awesome and mighty way.  He has answered prayers both big and small.  Many would seem insignificant to anyone else, yet it has deepened my faith because I have learned that what concerns me concerns God.  A few months ago, I decided that I needed to write down in a journal some of the ways that God has shown Himself to me specifically so I would not forget.  I wish I would have started this years ago so I could look back, but it's better late than never.  A few weeks ago, I watched "War Room," which moved me to the core in many ways, but one of my favorite things in the movie was Mrs. Clara's wall of remembrance.  She put on her wall for all to see, especially herself daily, ways that God had answered prayers.

If you haven't seen this movie, you NEED TO GO!!!!

I wanted to share one that I would hang on my own "wall of remembrance."  Back in the spring the week before Landon's triathlon, we were at home and I was preparing lunch for the boys.  Lane was behind me and somehow while my back was turned, he slipped his socks on the hardwood floor.  He fell right on his mouth, in particular, on his two front top teeth.  He cried and cried.  It was a traumatic event.  He was bleeding with a busted lip as well.  I looked at his teeth and they were bleeding from the gums and I could see they were loose.  This happened to Logan when he was little and we rushed to the dentist's office.  We were told with Logan that they would probably tighten back up and we couldn't really tell if there was damage until the permanent teeth came in.  So, since I had experienced this already, I knew there was really nothing that could be done at this point.  That day and night, I prayed and prayed for his teeth to tighten back up and they did.  

However, a week later, while we were in Florida at the triathlon, I noticed that one of his front teeth began to turn a grayish, darker color.  My heart sank.  I was really devastated.  Every time he smiled I felt a twinge in my stomach because I thought it ruined his cute little smile.  It really bothered me.  I talked to Landon about it, and he thought I was being silly because it was just a baby tooth.  It would fall out eventually, but I just couldn't help it.  Two to three years with this tooth seemed crushing to me. 

During this time, I was doing a bible study with the boys on prayer.  I love doing Kay Arthur Inductive Studies both individually and with the kids.  This one in particular, Lord, Teach Me to Pray, was good for us all. Logan commented about half way through that he had many questions answered about prayer through this study.  When we were at the beach, we did our bible study in the morning and we just happened to be on lessons about praying in faith.  "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to that mountain move from here to there." (Matthew 17:20)  Another verse we discussed was the father's cry to Jesus about the healing of his daughter, "I do believe; help my unbelief."  At the same time, I was extremely bothered by Lane's tooth and I was dwelling on these verses.  I began praying in faith that Lane's tooth would get better.  I prayed fervently for his little tooth to be resurrected from the deadness that occurred.  I prayed in faith proclaiming that He had the power to do all things and this was not too difficult of a task.  This was a several day process.  I admit, I did feel a little silly praying so hard over this little tooth because there are so many more important things to pray for, such as salvation to those who don't know Him.  I prayed and prayed and prayed for this tooth...more fervently than I have prayed in a while.  I prayed that His will would be done but in faith that He would indeed heal it.  AND, after a few days of intense prayer, I noticed that it was getting darker.  So, I began to change my prayer a bit.  I was still praying for the tooth to be completely healed, but I then prayed for myself to not let it bother me when I would see him smile.  I prayed that God would just blind me from it and let it appear to me normal even if it wasn't.  

April 2015

After we got back home, Logan was at a baseball practice and I unbuckled Lane from his car seat and he smiled at me.  I did a double take because his tooth appeared different to me.  It wasn't as dark as it was before.  I couldn't believe much so that I took a photo of him to look at it closer.  I also asked Logan and Lucas to look because I thought God was blinding me since I prayed that prayer.  haha.  Indeed, it was true.  His tooth was coming back!  I could have sobbed.  

This may seem very trivial and insignificant to many who are reading, but I found this whole experience to be incredibly faith building.  This may be explained as a normal thing which happens often, but I haven't ever seen a dead tooth come back to life.  Perhaps it happens frequently, but I am going to give credit to the Lord.  He heard my prayers, and He lovingly answered them in a way that gave me no doubt it was Him.  I know that He could have answered my prayer with a "no" and left the tooth as it was.  If He had done that He would be no less God and no less good.  But in this case, He answered my prayer and is to be praised. That is exactly what I want to do too.  I give Him all praise, credit, and glory.  I also know that many people go through far worse things than a dead tooth. Many parents suffer with chronic illnesses with their children that make me want to weep.  This was just a little baby tooth, but I am thankful.  It makes me want to pray more, not because God is my jack-in-the-box for things, but that He has the power to do all things.  My pastor spoke this past week about how a Spirit-filled believer should have consistent answered prayers.  He said you can't have answered prayers if you aren't praying.  I believe He is concerned with all things in our lives.  

August 2015

I prayed this prayer in absolute faith that He would heal.  I prayed differently than usual, in faith!  I wonder how many of my prayers are unanswered because I have doubt and do not really believe.  "Oh Lord, I do believe; help my unbelief."