

Story Through a Song

I just finished Beth Moore's lecture series on Revelation, Here and Now...There and Then a few weeks ago in our ladies group.  In one of the last sessions Beth Moore discussed Revelation 14:3 with the 144,000 playing harps and singing a new song.  "No one could learn the song except those 144,000 wasn't a song with lyrics you could learn from the screens in your worship center, or from your hymnbook, or from listening to it over and over on your Ipod.  It was a song that could only be learned by that particular experience of redemption...There are songs you can't learn with your intellect.  You can only learn them through a divine, redeeming encounter with the God they exalt.  In eternity, we will not sing random worship songs that we often don't feel or believe, nor will we sing them by rote when we're distracted with a hundred other things going on in the sanctuary.  We will sing only what we have lived.  Our songs will rise from hearts so full that, if we did not sing, rocks would cry out."

She then asked us to name a praise or worship song that we have not only sung, but have lived.  Since I am passionate about music, this was a fun question for me.  It was really quite simple to answer because I knew immediately what I would write down for my answer.  My song that is my story is from one of my favorite artists...

Sara Groves

She is a Contemporary Christian singer/songwriter who reminds me of a Christian music version of Sarah McLachlan.  I LOVE her and all of her music!  "Her songs are process songs that discuss topics that EVERY Christian deals with but may be afraid to talk about. Sara cuts right to the chase about our real life issues in our walk with Christ. Her songs resonate humility, honesty and sincerity in a way that make you feel you are not alone in your faith struggles and that it's okay to question and to not have all the answers. Her lyrics are a vehicle for deeper thought about yourself and your spiritual journey."  (quoted from a review from Amazon). 

The song that I feel like describes something I have experienced is "The Word" from her CD Conversations.  Here are the lyrics....

I've done every devotional
Been every place emotional
Trying to hear a new word from God
And I think it's very odd.

That while I attmept to help myself
My Bible sits upon my shelf
With every promise I could ever need

And the Word was
And the Word is
And the Word will be

People are getting fit for truth
Like they're buying a new tailored suit
Does it fit across the shoulders
Does it fade when it get older

We throw ideas that aren't in style
In the Salvation Army pile
And search for something more to meet our needs

And the Word was
And the Word is
And the Word will be

I think it's time I rediscover
All the ground that I have covered,
Like seek ye first what a verse

We are pressed but not crushed
Perplexed but don't despair
We are persecuted but not abandoned
(2 Corinthians 4:8-9)

We are no longer slaves
We are daughters and sons
And when we are weak we are very strong
(Romans and 2 Corinthians 12)

And neither death nor life nor present
Nor future nor depth nor height
Can keep us from the love of Christ
(Romans 8:38-39)

And the Word I need is the Word that was
Who put on flesh to dwell with us
In the beginning.

I picked this song because for the longest time, I used everything else to substitute reading the bible for myself instead of reading what others had learned from their own studies and encounters with God.   His word is alive and is sharper than a two edged sword.  It convicts, comforts, and brings peace that can come from no where else. 

Click here to listen to "The Word".