

So Long, Farewell 2010: Year in Review

2010 has been a great year for our family overall, and we count our blessings often.  Here is our year in review...

Snow, snow, and more snow this winter.  The boys had many adventures in the snow sledding down our big hill, building a HUGE snowman, eating icicles, snowball fights, and making snow angels. 

Logan enjoyed playing Upward basketball again this season and loved having his dad for a coach.  He made some baskets this year:)

A heartbreaking Superbowl Sunday left Landon with a cloud over his head for a few days. 

We made some Valentines for the residents at Life Care and delivered them with our homeschool group.  They appreciated them and I thought it was a wonderful experience for the boys.

Logan learned how to ride his bike without training wheels.

Logan also lost his first tooth while eating a sub.

We went to see Annie at the Cumberland County Playhouse.  The kids loved it and it took
everything I had not to just break out in song.

This year, we had both boys in Awana so we had to make two cars for the Grand Prix. 
"The Hurrying Hoosier"

Lucas wanted a Spiderman car.

Jayci won first place!  She is such a cutie.  She told her mom that she was going to marry
one of my boys one day.  haha.

I was beginning to wonder if Lucas was ever going to be potty trained.  He finally started going after trying everything possible.  The final attempt that worked was getting these Toy Story boots when he started going to the potty like a big boy. 
I just love this on the bottom of his boot:)
Landon is in heaven...

Goosepond at Sunset...picturesque!

Fishing with Grandpa and Uncle Charlie...HUGE fish!!

Logan's 6 year old pics...a few months late.

The Sunday before St. Patrick's Day in Awana, I taught about the Trinity with a 3-leaf clover.  A few weeks later, Logan found two four leaf clovers in our yard with a babysitter.  She said he ripped the fourth leaf off because God has three parts:)  I was so proud he was listening!!

On Logan's 100th day of school, mom sent Logan 100 balloons.

Our homeschool group participated in a Passover Seder meal.  I know they didn't understood all of it but it is such a wonderful picture of Christ's sacrifice.  I love doing these meals to see how the Old Testament was fulfilled through Christ.

Easter Sunday
I just love that I have a husband who is a godly leader of our family.  He read the story of Jesus' crucifixion and why we celebrate Easter to the boys before we got ready for church.

Spring Pictures...

Logan Playing T-Ball

and Soccer...
We won't be playing two sports at one time ever again.

Lucas also played Soccer...
for one game.  He couldn't handle it when someone else had the ball.  We must work on sharing.  I was sitting there thinking to myself "Why am I doing this?  He is only three!!"  I feel like I am running like a chicken with my head off trying to make both Logan's t-ball and soccer practices and games, so why add extra obligations when he is out there crying about it anyway???  So, we quit.  We will try again when he is a little older.

In April, Lucas got pneumonia and has to be put in the hospital for three days.
He had a hard time because he couldn't bend his arm to suck his thumb.  It was a long couple
of days but he was a trooper.

Sparta Children's Chorus Spring Concert

I was SOOO excited to have Logan in my children's chorus this year, but he hated it. 
I actually had to bribe him to be in it for the second semester with a new DS game. 
He looks thrilled, doesn't he?  Atleast he didn't flop on the stage as he was coming up the
stairs like he did in the Chrismas concert.  haha. 

Mom graduated with her masters in May from Western Kentucky.  I don't know who was
happier about it: me or her.

Lucas is a clumsy little child.  He had a round with the corner of the coffee table and
who knows what all else...

Ryan and Casey's Wedding in Panama City Beach, FL

While we were there, it was Logan's half-birthday and Dad took Logan parasailing.
He said he wanted to do that every year on his half-birthday:)

"You'll Like Linton"
4th of July in Indiana...

We get our picture made on Papaw Moore's front porch every year on the 4th. 

On the way home, we made a few side trips.
Logan has been fascinated with Abraham Lincoln, so we went to his boyhood home.  We also went to Holiday World, but I don't have pictures.  Then we went to the Louisville Slugger in Kentucky. 

Julie and I learned a valuable lesson this summer...check the weather before planning a trip to Dollywood. 
It POURED on us.  It was definately memorable, though:)  I am looking forward to going a lot this year because we got season tickets!!!

The Pedigos were so kind to share their pool with us this summer...

I was honored when Regina Coonrod asked me to sing backups for her concert she performed here at the Neon Stage.  I was a bit aprehensive about the whole experience, and I really considered just saying I couldn't do it, but I just read So Long, Insecurity by Beth Moore and knew I couldn't say no because it would be from insecurity.  I am so glad I did it because it was one of the best nights ever.  I am so thankful I got the opportunity to sing with such a talented and wonderful person!!  

Michaela and Brad's wedding was simply beautiful!

Landon's Papaw, Dr. Homer Lee Moore passed away on September 23, 2010.  He was a grandfather to me an equal amount years as my mom's dad.  He did not treat me like just an in-law.  He always made me feel as if I was one of his own by blood.  He was such a wonderful man in so many ways I cannot even describe accurately.  He will be missed greatly.

This was the whole family after the funeral. 

Homeschool Field Trip to an Apple Orchard

Upward Flag Football

Midnight Madness

Lucas' 4th Birthday

I just love fall!!!

Fall Family Pictures taken by Suzanne...

If you can't tell, we are in a Star Wars phase:)  We were Star Wars characters for the second year in a row.

Fall Block Party

Turkey Trot


Logan's 7th Birthday Party

We had some unseasonable snow in December.

White Christmas

We can't wait to see what 2011 brings.  Happy New Year!!


  1. it has been such a wonderful blessing to have you in my life....I have so enjoyed getting to know you, your boys, and your husband. I am so thankful for all the new friends a simple workout class has brought together.....many wonderful days to you in 2011....

  2. What a fun trip down memory lane!!! I loved it!
