

It's Gone & Some Comforting Advice

I should have written this actually on Sunday night, but I haven't gotten around to it.  This in in response to my previous post The Return of Fear and Anxiety over the end times.  Like I said in that post, I know that it is not of God to be fearful or worried.  The enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy us, and at the moment he was stealing my peace.

Sunday night after church I talked to Wanda Newby and hit her with about five really difficult questions one right after another.  She said "Sugar, I don't know the answer to all of those questions," but she was so wise and told me exactly what I needed to hear.  She told me that worry and fear is not of God, and actually worry is a sin.  One of my questions to her was, "What can we do physically to prepare for the end times?"  I have another friend who mentioned some of her friends who were storing up massive quantities of food.  When I heard this, it made me wonder if this is what I need to be doing too.  Wanda said she had prayed about this very thing and didn't feel the need to store up food.  She then asked me, "What did God do for the Israelites in the wilderness?"  I felt an immediate sense of relief because I knew where she was going with this.  He provided manna.  She said if God wants us to survive, then can He not provide for us? 

Another thing I told her about was my worry about my children.  She reminded me that God loves my children even more than I do and He will take care of them.  Also, God knows how many hairs are on my head and my children's.  If God will not take care of the sparrows in the air, will He not take care of His children?  These are all things I have heard and have known for my entire life, but in that moment, I needed to be reminded.  I felt like God was asking me "Do you really believe me when I tell you that I will take care of you?"  So, thank you Wanda for being God's instrument to bring back the peace that had been stolen temporarily. 

Some more comforting advice came the next day from another dear friend, Tabitha Merritt.  She reminded me of when Jacob wrestled with God the entire night when his name was changed.  Sometimes we must do the same thing and wrestle with God over certain issues.  When we come to the other side, we are stronger and our faith is strengthened.  On Wendesday morning at our bible study group, guess what the video was about???  Jacob wrestling with God!  I asked Tabitha when it was over if she watched the video already.  She just laughed and said no.  I also said that the video was just for me and Trish said, no it was for her.  It never ceases to amaze me of how God can use the same message recorded around seven years ago for two different people in two different places in life and it be exactly what we each needed at that moment.  His timing is unbelievable sometimes, almost laughable. 

The third bit of comforting advice came during a revival message this week.  It was an incredible week and I loved listening to the word of God preached by Bro. Jimmy Arms.  He talked about John the Baptist in one of his sermons.  He reminded us that he was the forerunner to Christ going forth to prepare the way of the Lord.  He was a man of great faith knowing well his purpose in life.  Then soon after, he ended up in prison for calling a relational sin out in one of the governing officials.  As he was sitting in prison, he began to doubt everything he thought to be true.  Jesus told him exactly what he needed to hear..."No one has been greater than John the baptizer, yet the most lowly person in God's kingdom will be greater than John is today."  (Matthew 11:11).  This included all the heros of the faith from the Old Testament.  Jesus knew he was doubting but still said none was greater.  Bro. Jimmy reminded us that is doesn't matter how strong our faith was yesterday, but it can still be shaken.  That's exactly what I was going through. 

When I look back over the week, I am just thankful that I serve a God who cares enough to send me multiple people and different stories to apply right to what I really needed to hear.   He is faithful and will provide.  So for now, the fear and anxiety is gone.  Hopefully for good, but I will probably need another reminder I am sure.

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