

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a jam packed weekend with both friends and family.  Last night as I fell into bed, I thought it was perhaps a bit to packed because I was exhausted.  On Saturday night, we had some friends over for a bonfire, games, and flashlight tag. 

Bray and Logan wish they were brothers.
Jace looks a little pooped.  He had a birthday party earlier in the afternoon.

Sunday night, we had Landon's family over.  It was a great evening because we got to know our new family a bit more.
Suzanne has come a long way from her double knee replacement surgery last summer!
Water Balloon Volleyball was much more fun to watch...
Delicious fruit!!!!

Then the older boys decided to show off their jumping skills.  I was impressed!
Then, it moved to jumping over two chairs.
Then three...
Then, some chairs with people sitting in them.
Diving over the chairs...
Why not four chairs??
I don't think I could even jump over a stool.  This was crazy!  Look how high he is!!!

We ended the evening with flashlight tag.

We had a cookout at my mom's Monday night and my granny came over as well.
Logan tried out his baby swing to see if he could still fit.  haha.  He has grown!
I have ruined Logan with pictures. 
 Mom, the grill master.
It was a great weekend with great company and excellent food.  I think I gained five pounds. 

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