

These are the Days

After the rush of the wedding and numerous home projects being completed, I was looking forward to a few dedicated days.  The first of which was a relaxing Mother's Day.  Secondly, I wanted to have a fun day where the boys chose solely what we would do the entire day.  Finally, I wanted to paint a friend's kitchen that I had promised to paint months ago.  
Mother's Day this year was made wonderful again this year by my loving husband.  He got me an iphone!  If you know me and the phone I had, you would know this is a massive upgrade!  My other phone couldn't even take videos.  Needless to say, I was thrilled to get this phone.  He also got me a clock that he recorded the boys saying "I love you, Mommy."  It makes me smile every hour when I hear their sweet voices☺  Also, I got one of my favorite candles and a lovely corsage to wear to church. 

This picture is classic Lucas.  When you try to pick him up sometimes, he turns to a limp noodle.  He can really make it difficult because he isn't too light anymore.  This picture says it all. 

With all the work around the house lately, I have felt that I haven't had much dedicated time with the boys.  On Monday, the boys picked everything we were to do that day.  Their first pick...pancakes at McDonalds...

Then, to the park to play...

Another thing they wanted to do was play games and read books.  They decided to do these at the park also.  Lucas picked Candyland and Logan picked Apples to Apples (Bible edition).

Lucas is really too little to play Apples to Apples, but we play it anyway.
Deep in thought.
This was so sweet I had to take a picture to show Landon.  If you haven't played this game, a green card is laid down and you select one from your hand that you think described the green card best.  Logan was anxious to play his card because he said he had the perfect one to go with "hardworking".  It was very true.  He does have a hardworking dad.  Love it☺
The boys took turns taking pictures of each of us.  Lucas barely got us in the first one...
At the end of the day, Logan said, "Thank you so much for today, mom."  It was precious and
one great day!!!  I am so thankful to be a mom!

Tuesday, I helped paint my old kitchen.  Gretchen wasn't fond of the burnt orange that I had painted it, and I offered to repaint it for her.  I know it's crazy to some, but I really love to paint.  Her mother-in-law, Wendy, rolled and I did the trim.  It went much faster than the first time I painted it because I had help.  Gretchen picked a lovely shade of blue....

1 comment:

  1. It's weird seeing that house and it not being yours. I do like the blue though! :)
