I know this will probably embarrass my husband, but I can't help it. I am just really proud of him and had to share! Friday night he ran in an 8K in Cookeville. Over the last year, we have both ran in three different 5Ks, but this was a little more challenging. I knew he could do it, and I encouraged him to sign up.
These pictures are terrible. The runners are lined up behind the motorcycles, but you can't see them.
Waiting to cheer daddy on!
The boys were preparing for the gun shot to start the race. This probably wasn't the best day to skip a nap for Lucas. The race didn't begin until 9:00 p.m. By the end of the race, he was almost unbearable. I knew better! What was I thinking??
And they're off!
The boys went nuts when they saw Landon. They were so excited when he went by.
For some people, running five miles is no big deal, but for the majority of people, it is a huge accomplishment. He ran the whole thing without stopping, and there were several hills on the route.
I am so proud of him!!
When you are with a person every day, it is harder to notice the change that is taking place. After Logan was born, we both decided that we were going to try and lose weight. I remember exactly the point I knew I had to do something before it was on the verge of getting out of control. We went to a water park in the summer and walking around all day in my bathing suit really was motivation enough. However, when I looked at my pictures from the 4th of July, this was the one that did it for me.

So after the 4th of July, we started Weight Watchers. I lost all my baby weight and Landon lost around thirty five pounds. He has been losing gradually since. I keep gaining and losing the same! I am not blessed to be able to eat whatever I want and stay thin. I go through spells where I am more disciplined than others, but if I am not dieting, I am gaining. It is much easier when we are both eating right and exercising. Right now, it is a struggle because I am going to gain anyway. I really wanted to eat healthy and exercise during this pregnancy because I didn't at all for the other two. So far, the eating has been horrible, but at least I have exercised somewhat. I haven't been much help to Landon lately.
Here is another picture of Landon to see how much he has changed. I am just really proud of the work he has put into becoming healthier and more active for himself and the kids. He is still not to his goal, but he has come a long way.
Look how little Tristan is. He was such a cutie!!
This is Landon this summer getting ready to swim in the Tennessee River
Rat Race, a 1.2 mile race in Chattanooga.
We were both planning to run in a half marathon in Disney in the fall, but my doctor didn't think I should since I will be around five month pregnant at the time. It's a little disappointing because I had been running for five weeks in preparation, but a baby is definitely worth the wait!!
Almost two years ago, we joined the YMCA in Cookeville and we have both said it was one of the best things we have done as a family. I am so glad that we both exercise regularly, and it is a part of our schedules. It just makes me feel better and I can tell a difference both physically and mentally when I am not as consistent. It is much more challenging to find motivation to work out when you are pregnant though!!
Like I said at the beginning, this is going to embarrass him, but I just couldn't resist! Landon, I am thankful for your example to our boys! We are proud of you!!!