

The Long Awaited Day

Today we had our ultrasound to find out if it is a boy or a girl.  I have been so anxious for this anticipated day. 

We sent this picture to family and close friends, but some of them didn't get it.  The balloons are blue.  We are having another boy! 

I wanted to prepare myself for this possibility, because it is no secret that I really wanted to have a girl.  However, I prayed fervently for a baby, and I can't pray with stipulations.   I was at the point where it really didn't matter to me what it was, I just wanted another baby.  So, for me to be upset or disappointed in what I have been given, I think would be ungrateful.  When I found out it was a boy, I was truly okay with it. 

When the ultrasound began, she turned on lullabies and as soon as I saw the first picture of our precious baby, I couldn't help but crying.  It doesn't ever get old, even on baby number three.  It is truly a miracle to see a small little life inside of you. 

We went to see the midwife after the ultrasound and she explained to us that there were some "spots" on the heart that she wanted to keep an eye on.  She said this wasn't anything to be concerned about but she wanted to have a follow up ultrasound in four weeks.  Right after that, she asked if I had the genetic screening test already.  I told her that I wasn't going to get it done, and Landon explained that we would keep the baby no matter the results.  There are a lot of false positives on those tests, and perfectly healthy babies are born with some false testing.  I almost started getting really emotional and in shock that we were even discussing this.  She said that it will probably go away, but she wanted to check and make sure in a few weeks. 

So, what does anyone do that hears medical news?  You look it up on the internet to see other stories...always a bad idea!  I ended up crying and an emotional basket case all afternoon.  I called Dr. Griffin, and he made me feel much better.  He didn't seem concerned about it at all and said it was very common.  I felt a huge burden lift off of me as I got off the phone and then I drove out of the pharmacy drive through, I looked up and saw a huge rainbow.  I know some may think this is corny, but for me it was a reminder that God is in control and I know that He knows what is best no matter what.   

As the ultrasound technician was getting everything ready to begin, Landon asked the boys what they wanted. Logan wanted a boy and Lucas wanted a girl. When she told us it was a boy, Lucas started crying because he said he wanted a girl. He got mad at Logan and said it was his fault because he wanted a boy. We have it on video, and I laughed my head off!  Click the following few videos to watch his dramatic reaction unfold. 

I do have two requests.  The first one is what I have feared if we have another boy: people's reactions.  I would appreciate you keep your disappointments and awws to yourself.  This happened to me several times when I told people I was having another boy when I was pregnant with Lucas.  Like I can pick the gender anyway!!  It really hurt my feelings, and I know it wasn't intentional.  I have learned not to do that to others, so if I have ever done that, I apologize!!

My other more important request is for prayers that everything is okay with this baby.  We aren't ever guaranteed a healthy baby, but I do pray for one.  I would appreciate everyone else's prayers as well.  

1 comment:

  1. Boys are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! Got to love them. So excited for all of you! Praying that all goes well for you and baby Lane.
    Connie H
