

My Baby Is Five!

My baby turned five years old today.  It is cliche to say, but it is hard to believe it has been five years since our little precious bundle of joy was brought into this earth.  It took us a while to get pregnant with him, so we were so excited to get to have another child. 

This morning, Lucas woke up to these cool lighted balloons on his floor.  Landon and I got up really early to blow them up and have them ready when he woke up.  However, we weren't quiet at all getting them all in there and woke them both up.  He was excited and Logan wants them for his birthday too☺  It was the start of a fun day for us all. 

Lucas LUBS rocks.  When he was about two years old, he went nuts in a gravel parking lot running around screaming, "I LUB ROCKS!!"  He told me a few weeks ago that he was going to teach Lane to be a rock collector.  So today, we painted some rocks.  It was a cheap and fun activity to do for his birthday.
You've got to hold your tongue just right.

Our finished product...

Happy Birthday Lucas Tyler...aka Wrecking Ball, Wiggle Worm in Hot Ashes, Buddy-O, Kukas, Little LT, Loco Luco, Luke-Duke, and Lookey!!!  You are one special little guy who makes me laugh every day!!  You bring such joy into our home.  I am thankful to be your mommy.

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