

Christmas Performances

I mentioned earlier how much Children's Choir at church impacted me and gave me an outlet for music at an early age.  I am so glad that I had that opportunity as a child and thankful now I am able to lead it at our church for children.  Sunday night we had our Christmas play at church and I couldn't have been more proud of them.  We have a young group and some of them had lots of lines to memorize.  Our play this year was called Christ-Myth Busters.  It was about how some of the things we believe about Christmas may not be true, but how we shouldn't let it distract us from the meaning we celebrate Christmas.  Here are some pictures from the performance....
Gabriel learned the entire play in one week.  It was impressive!
One of the myths they were trying to figure out was how many kings there were.  It doesn't say there were just three kings, even though that's what we all think because there were three gifts.
The next myth they were trying to bust is when Jesus was really born.  It was pointed out that is unlikely that Jesus was born on December 25.  His birth probably happened in the spring or summer. 
Colin is quite the little singer.

It was hard on the little ones to sit still. 

The last myth they were trying to bust is whether the angels sang or said  "Glory to God in the Highest."  Our angels came out and rapped their song.  It was entertaining!
Bray was hilarious!  He really got into his part.


I was asked by the program coordinator at Life Care to come and do a choir with the residents.  I have been going once a week for the last three months working with them to prepare for a program that we had yesterday.  There were several guests there to watch the performance including a singing group that comes weekly.  They led the singing first and recruited me to play the piano until theirs got there.  I was then recruited to sing with them. 

It was fun to have my great aunt in the choir too!
The performance didn't go exactly as I planned.  I don't know if they were nervous or what, but they barely sang.  I couldn't hear them at all.  I felt rather stupid because to me it felt like the only thing you could hear was me and the piano.  I wanted to stand up and announce that we really did practice.  The only song they sang was "Jingle Bells."  I had to just laugh about it.  It was a fun experience and I got to meet many wonderful residents. 

So this year, I had the opportunity to teach the extremes in ages, from four years to ninty year olds.  Both were fun to work with, but as always, it is a relief to have the performances completed for the season.   

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