

Crib Sheet Tutorial

Because my colors weren't in pastels, I had difficulty finding crib sheets to match the bedding.  I ended up making crib sheets and they were super easy to do!!  Jamie brought her sewing maching to craft night to help me on my nursery projects.  She and Julie spent the evening helping me.  It was much appreciated! 

What you need:
2 yards of fabric
80 inches of 1/8 inch elastic
basic sewing supplies...scissors, pins, machine, thread...

Step 1:
Cut out your fabric in a rectangle 45x67 inches

Step 2:
Cut out an 8x8 inch square out of each of the four corners

Step 3:
On the corners that you just cut out, fold right sides together and pin.  This is creating your pocket on your corners.  Do this to all four corners.

Step 4: 
Serge or ziz zag stitch the four corners that you just pinned. 

Step 5:
Serge or ziz-zag around the outside of all the sheet.  This will make it easier to create the casing for the next step.  You could also iron down the edges to have finished edges. 

Step 6:
Iron under all the around the sheet to create the casing for the elastic.  You don't have to pin this, but pin a start and stop point so you don't sew it entirely without leaving room to run the elastic. 

Step 7:
Sew around the entire folded edges leaving an opening to run your elastic.  You can just use a straight stitch for this step.  Sew along the ziz-zaged or serged edge so you have enough room for your elastic.

Step 8:
Cut your elastic to 80 inches.  Put a safety pin on one end and then pin the other end to the sheet so you don't lose it in the casing.  I ABHOR THIS STEP!!  Julie was also at craft night to help with my last minute nursery projects.  She graciously volunteered to do this step while I was working on some other things.  I was very thankful for her help because we made three sheets!!

Step 9:
Since we were at church, I couldn't finish the project right then.  The nursery crib mattresses at our church are a little smaller than regular so I couldn't measure to see if they fit properly.  So, the last step is to simply put the sheet on the mattress to make sure it fits.  Mine fit perfectly.  Take it back to the sewing maching and sew together the elastic and sew together the gap you left for the elastic. 

You should at least make two while you're doing this project so you have an extra when one gets dirty.


  1. Thank you! I have been looking for a crib sheet tutorial for a while and this was just what I was looking for.

  2. can i use this for a minicrib?

    1. I haven't made it for a mini crib, but I am sure it will work! I am not sure of the dimensions though.
