

Easter Weekend

Easter is one of my favorite holidays because of the meaning for the celebration.  Without Christ's death and resurrection, we would be without hope.  We had a wonderful, but busy weekend with gatherings with family and friends. 

On Friday evening, we tried something new.  We had a glow-in-the-dark Easter Egg Hunt at my house.  It was seriously the best egg hunt I have ever seen.  It will be an annual event from now on.
The boys were helping to get the eggs ready for the hunt.
Lucas couldn't wait for his friends to get there.
They were ready to hunt! 
This looked so neat in the yard.  I wish my pictures would have turned out better, but it was too dark.

My boys love trophies, so I got this for the winner of the most eggs.
It was close, but Logan won.
Trent found the prize egg and won a gift certificate to 32 Degrees.

Lane was there too☺  He slept the whole time in his swing.

I haven't ever dyed or decorated eggs with the boys before.  We usually just fill plastic eggs, but I wanted to do real ones this year.  They loved it!

We let the boys open up their Easter surprises on Saturday instead of Sunday morning this year.
The newest "What's in the Bible" DVD is out.
Check out these cool socks.  They have capes on them.  The boys loved them!
I love seeing their faces!  Landon got them a basketball goal for the basement.

Easter at Mom's
A little corn hole and dragon slaying...
I am so glad they are back in Sparta!!

Resurrection Sunday
I put Lucas in the egg hunt with the big kids this year because I couldn't be in two places at once.  Margaret let him have a head start. 
And they're off!
'Tis the season for argyle.

Lane's first Easter.

Easter at Mike and Suzanne's
The adults still hunt for Easter eggs.
Lucas wanted to help me, but he was very disappointed in our pitiful attempt.  I only found two.

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