

FIAR: Night of the Moonjellies

Homeschooling is more challenging this year with Logan in 3rd grade, Lucas in Kindergarten, and having a six month old.  I have been spoiled with just one very easy child to teach for three years.  I knew it would be a little harder with Lucas just with his personality, but it is getting better.  It has been an adjustment for us all because Logan is used to being the only one with all of my attention. 

When Logan was in Kindergarten, I used Five in a Row by Jane Lambert.  I absolutely loved this and wanted to do it again with Lucas.  You take their book list and read the same book five days in a row  picking out different subjects each day to study from the book.  This is not our main source for these subjects, but it makes reading fun and helps the book to come to life.  I also LOVE children's literature so this is especially fun for me as well.  This is a great way to do cross-curriculum!!

This week's book was Night of the Moonjellies by Mark Shasha.
The book is about a little boy named Mark who spends the day working at his Gram's seaside hot dog stand.  After the last customer is served and all the chores are complete, Mark sails off with Gram for a promised surprise to find a nighttime sea full of shimmering moonjellies.

We made our own jellyfish this week that looked real!

How to make your own:

1.  Get a clear plastic bag.  I used one from the produce section at the grocery store.
2.  Cut out a square on one side of the bag.

3.  Gather up the middle of the bag and tie loosely with a thread.

4.  Cut tentacles out of the bottom.  You will need to cut these thinner than pictured and also thin it out so there aren't as many.  I had to go back and fix this after the photo was taken.
5.  Turn upside down and fill with water.  Leave a little bit of air so it will float.
6.  Shove the whole thing in the water bottle and fill up.  Add food coloring and watch it swim.

We also made one out of crepe paper and paper plates later in the week. 
In the book, the little boy helped his Gram at their family hot dog stand.  I called Jeanie at Pluto's Hot Dogs and asked her if the boys could come when it wasn't too busy to let them help her just like Mark did in the book.  She was very kind to agree.  The boys had a BLAST helping and now want to work there. 
Logan refilled the crackers.

 Lucas refilled the silverware.
Logan rolled up some silverware in napkins.
Lucas helped to refill the chips.
 Lucas got to refill the ketchup and Logan refilled the relish, just like in the book.
Their first customer...
Logan served the food and Lucas served the milkshake.
Landon also had good service☺
We learned about New England states.
We played a trivia game at the end of the week with questions from the book. 
One night we had lobster rolls for dinner.  In the book, Mar-Gra's, the restaurant, had the most famous lobster rolls in New England. 
Landon helped with the last project.  In the book, Gram took Mark out on a surprise boat ride after the restaurant closed for the evening to release the moonjelly that he had found that morning.  He got to see thousands of them that evening. 
We made a cardboard boat.  They had a blast making it and playing in it.  It was a fun family project.  A big thanks to Dave from Morgan's furniture for the boxes!
Landon is thrilled about having his picture taken. 
 Lane enjoyed the beautiful day too!
Gathering sticks for the sail.
Attempt at pole vaulting...we watched a lot of Olympics.  ☺
 I think we will forever have this book ingrained.  This week will be hard to live up to.  Next week we will be reading Lentil by Robert McCloskey.  I am thankful I get to homeschool!



1 comment:

  1. What fun activities! I stumbled across your blog on Pinterest. We live in New England and are prepping our first row. Thank you for sharing
