

What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

What have I gotten myself into?  I seriously asked myself this question today.  Landon and I are officially registered for our first half marathon on Saturday, October 27 in Kingsport, TN.  We have been training for several weeks now.  

Let me first say that I am not athletic.  I have never enjoyed playing sports of any kind.  I don't like to sweat, and I have terrible hand-eye coordination.  I was ecstatic to join the band in the sixth grade because it meant I no longer had to go to PE. 

I started "running" a few years ago, but I never would have imagined I would ever even attempt a half marathon in my lifetime.  About four years ago, I was at the park with some friends letting the kids play after preschool.  We were sitting out on a blanket and Casey Mackie got up and started running.  She came back in what seemed like no time at all and said she just ran a mile.  It amazed me because I can't tell you if I had ever run a mile before then.  I told her there was no way I could do that and she said sure you can, come on and I'll run with you.  I was very unsure, but I thought I simply had to try.  So, Trish and I ran a mile with Casey encouraging us along the way.  We did it!  I will never forget it.  It was monumental for me.

Two years ago, Landon and I ran in our first 5K in Cookeville on Thanksgiving morning.  It was exhilarating.   It was exciting and once again something I never imagined myself doing.  I knew I wanted to do more and even wanted to start training for a half in my near future.  However, shortly after that we sold our house, was then knee deep in a remodel, got pregnant a few months later, and you know the rest.  I had a goal that I wanted to run one this fall.  I'm not getting any younger, so I thought it's now or never. 

For my birthday, Landon got me a gps watch for running.  I usually use my phone with the Nike running app.  I am really electonically challenged.  I can't even operate our television.  I have to have Logan do it for me.  We have SO MANY remotes!  Landon set up my watch for me with all of my music from itunes.  He also got me some wireless earphones that sync to the watch or any other device.  I was going to use them in the Glow in the Dark 5K race last night, but my ears are too small for them and I didn't know how to operate the watch.
 I am SO proud of Megan Holland for being moved to compassion and organizing this event to raise money for clean water in Africa.
Today, we were scheduled to run ten miles!!  I decided to use my new watch to try it out.  We got a little way down the road and I realized it was set on kilometers instead of miles.  I'm a little obsessed with checking my pace and distance so I knew this might be a problem.  I know I was annoying Landon by asking him the distance so often, but I couldn't help myself. 
I also hadn't figured out how to change the songs.  I get easily bored with songs and change them frequently.  The watch picks songs according to your pace.  It started out with Toby Mac which was perfect to run to, then it ended up playing slow praise and worship songs.  Don't get me wrong, I like them and listen to them often.  It's just uninspiring to run to with every song slow!  It was a little discouraging because I didn't think I was running that slow.  haha.  By the middle of mile eight, I was really thirsty, and with very inappropriate timing, I was listening to a song yet another slow praise and worship song about thirsting for God.  It did not help. 
I ended up only making it to 9.2 miles before I had to stop and walk.  I really hate that instead of being able to celebrate running that far, instead I feel like a failure by not reaching my goal.

I got home and Julie had sent me a few texts to see how it went.  This was our conversation...

I do know in order for me to actually run the whole 13.1, all conditions will have to be working together for me...all electonics must be working properly, I must be hydrated , and the weather must be just right.  I hope we can stay injury free until then!

It is still daunting, but I have enjoyed doing this together with Landon, who beats me every time.  That makes me a little mad, but I am proud of him!  I am excited and nervous at the same time, but just a few months ago, I had to completely start over.  If I can do it, anyone can!


  1. You are so funny:) I remember that day and i also remember the first mile I ever ran. As bad as I hate running it had inspired me to push others to run and let them know if I can do it others can too. You are an inspiration to so many and I wish you all the best on this journey..journey because it is one. It is a journey of the mind and soul and seeing yourself push beyond what you thought was possible. Our minds and hearts can play such tricks on us. Its all a head game and its really really crazy if we knew what we were really capable of. Both in athletics and in life. I am so proud of all you have accomplished and the goals you have set in front of yourself. Your life inspires others to reach beyond themselves to touch others. You go girl!!!

  2. I am so proud of you! You know how Casey was inspiring to you? Well, you are doing that to others!
