

FIAR: Glorious Flight

I am behind on posting these, but like anyone really cares about that??  A few weeks ago, we rowed
The Glorious Flight by Alice and Martin Provensen.
This book recounts the persistence of a Frenchman, Louis Bleriot, to build a flying machine to cross the English Channel. 
We also did a unit study on Amelia Earhart by Amanda Bennett.  I have always been fascinated by her and read several book about her when I was a child.  I was extremely disappointed with how the movie Ameila depicted her character because that's not how I had envisioned her. 
We went to the Upper Cumberland Regional Airport for a tour.
I was hoping we would get to see a plane take off, and we did!!  While the pilot was waiting for his passenger, he let the boys get inside his plane.  It was so kind of him!
We waited to watch him take off...
I found a cute airplane food craft on Pinterest.  We made this, but somehow my photos got deleted from my card.  So, sadly, we don't have photos of our last Twinkie.  This was a great evening because when we were making these Lucas told me I was the best mom ever.  You just never know what they are going to really love doing.  Anything with sweets will appeal to that child☺
We learned how to make some paper airplanes.
In the book, the different attempts are labeled as roman numerals.  I taught Lucas how they worked. 
Next book, one of my faves, Cranberry Thanksgiving.

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