

FIAR: Rag Coat

Two weeks ago, we "rowed" one of my favorites yet!  It was Rag Coat by Lauren Mills.
I actually cried when I read this one.  This is a story about a young Appalachian girl who wants to go to school, but she doesn't have a coat.  Her father worked in the coal mines and had to quit because he was sick.  He promised her that he would figure something out, but ended up dying before she had a coat.  When a group of mothers who gather in her home regularly to make quilts learn of her predicament, they decide to use all of their quilting scraps to make a coat for her.  She was so thankful and very excited about finally getting to go to school.  However, school is not as she envisioned.  Several school children tease her, especially when she finally gets the chance to wear her "new" coat.  When the students realize her coat is made up of their remnants they love her coat too and apoligize for making fun of it.  It is such a sweet and heartwarnimg story! 

One of the many things I love about homeschooling is having the opportunity to get others involved in teaching from their life experiences.  Minna's father worked in a coal mine so I asked my father-in-law to help us in this area.  Mike used to work in a coal mine, along with his father and grandfather.  He talked to the boys about his experiences in the coal mines and all about the process. 
I enjoyed hearing the stories as well.
Mike's hat and his father's hat from the coal mines.
He also read the story to them...
In the book, there is a picture of a dulcimer on the wall.  Suzanne showed them hers and played for them.

On Bon Air Mountain, there used to be a coal mine.  We went to see if we could see remnants of where it had been.
The boys love science experiments.  I found one that makes crystals from coal.  It was a total flop.  I'm not sure what we did wrong, but it didn't work and it stunk up the house.
We also talked about the story of Joseph's coat of many colors.
Lucas made a Rag Coat with some of my fabric scraps.
 He signs his name as Lucas Bat now.  He has asked several times to change his name.  On this paper he wanted to be Lucas Bat Scorpion. 
Our book from the week:
Up next...Glorious Flight and Airplanes.


  1. Like you, I love the evolving of others! I ole that Landon is Ivolved in EVERY one of thee! But, my very favorite part is Lucas Bat Scorpio! Love that boy! Lol

  2. Good grief! Obviously, my proof reading stinks! Involving- not evolving- and love not ole
