

Cumberland Caverns Homeschool Group Trip

Last year, Amanda Randolph and I did a joint unit study with our kids on volcanoes.  I thought it would be fun to expand that idea and do a county wide homeschool study on a topic this year.  We did a cave study and ended it with a trip to Cumberland Caverns last week.  It was a cold and rainy day, but it didn't matter inside the cave. 
We got to see stalactites and stalagmites.  We also saw some fossils on the roof of the cave from "the Ancient Mississippian Sea"...aka the flood.
We got to eat lunch in the cave.

The room we got to eat lunch in has this beautiful chandelier brought back from New York.  One of the founders of the cave saved it from being cut down and destroyed.  He had it installed in the cave for many to enjoy.  This room also has amazing acoustics.  They have bluegrass music concerts inside the cave once a month.

We also did some gem mining after our cave tour.

In our cave unit study there were several experiments.  We only did one of them, but they enjoyed it.
It was an experiment to show how caves form using sugar cubes and water droppers.
Lucas got a little carried away, and he ate lots of sugar cubes too.

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