

Summer Activity Group #5: Making Ice Cream

Amanda was in charge of this week.  She brought supplies for the kids to make their own ice cream and the moms brought the toppings.
Here's how they made it:
In a Ziploc bag, combine 1 cup milk, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1/2 tsp. vanilla, 1 tsp cocoa powder (only if you want chocolate ice cream).

Place Ziploc bag inside a larger container with a lid along with ice and 4-6 tbsp. salt.  Amanda brought coffee cans or larger ziplock bags for them to use.   

Shake for about 5-10 minutes until it's thickened up.  You may need to wear gloves for this step because the container gets really cold.

Instead of shaking, they were jumping. 

This picture makes me laugh.  Caught in motion.
Take two for Ashlynn's ice cream.  Somehow, hers got salt in it so Kathy had to remake hers.
Carson's not crazy about the marshmallows in his ice cream.  haha. 
Thank you, Amanda!!! 

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