

Gone Fishin'

On Labor Day Weekend, we took the boys fishing in a friend's pond.  It was FULL of fish.  As soon as they put their line out, they caught a fish.  They kept their dad busy the whole time.  I was busy trying to keep Lane out of the pond.
I'm glad Logan can bait his own hook.  It helped Landon since they caught so many and I'm out in that department.
It's time to hand Lucas' jersey down to Lane.
Lane is in desperate need of a haircut!
I LOVE this man!!!  He is the best dad!!!
Lucas was SO proud!! He caught several, including the biggest!
Lucas with the winner!
When we ran out of worms, they decided to use the net.
It didn't work.   haha

I love these three boys!!  I am so blessed!

And He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."  Matthew 4:19

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