

Fall Break

Last year, Rebecca and I took the kids to a Drive-Thru Zoo in Knoxville.  We had a blast.  Actually it was one of the best days I have had with my kids.  I wanted to go again with a group, so we planned a church trip.
 It happened to be on Lucas' birthday.  He got a knight cape from Mamaw before we left.  
He loves to dress up.  
Seems harmless, right?  Wrong!!!  This z-donk bit Jackson's finger.  Troy punched it in the face to get his hand free.  Scary at the moment, but hilarious after the fact.  Poor thing.
We saw the Weatherly's there.
Sweet little friends.

After we finished here we went to Build-a-Bear at the mall.  Lucas has been begging to go for months because he LOVES stuffed animals and he hasn't ever been to Build-a-Bear.  For his birthday, mom let him pick out whatever one he wanted to build. 
I LOVE THIS BIRTHDAY BOY!!!  I can't believe he's 7!!
I'm glad mom got to come and enjoy the day with us.

After this, we went to Gatlinburg for a few days.  
Landon has a shoe problem.  He likes his shoes to match everything now.  haha.  He's worse than a woman.  We spent one afternoon at Ober Gatlinburg.  I haven't ever been here and it was fun!  I want to come back and ski and ice skate.
This was a fun maze.

Fall Break: Part 2

Landon and Jeremy had a golf tournament in Knoxville so they all went back.  I stayed another night along with Rebecca, Trent, Ella, Suzanne, Julie, Aiden, and Chloe.  We stayed at the Wilderness Lodge.  It was GREAT!!  I want to go back with Landon.  
I can't believe he did this.  I thought for sure he would chicken out. 

I have been wanting to take my kids to Amazing Acres for years.  They have NEVER been!!!
Lane was mad because I wouldn't let him out.  haha.  So cute even when he's pouting.
Jackson says, "LET ME OUT OF HERE!"

I LOVE FALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It's the most wonderful time of the year!

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