

Christmas in Black and White

This has been my favorite Children's Play that we have done at church.  The music was so cute and it had a great message.  It is a big decision which play to pick out because we work on it so long and I want it to make an impact on not only the children but the people that watch it as well.  I am so thankful for this ministry and it is a big reason that I loved to sing as a child.  When I saw the cover of this musical at Lifeway, I thought it would be cheesy, but when I listened to it I fell in love with it and didn't even listen to anymore.  
These was one group with speaking parts.
And here was the other.
Rebecca did a fantastic job planning the stage decorations.  We had lots of help from other moms and dads too.

My little rappers:)

The truth about Christmas is in black and white.  It's about celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.  It is my prayer that every time these children see a penguin they are reminded of that fact.  There is no other way to salvation but through Him.

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