


I'm a sucker for hand print and foot print things of my kids.  I love the shirts they made at preschool for Halloween.  So cute!!

This year Halloween was just weird.  Trick-or-treating was rescheduled because of potential bad weather, so it just felt strange this year.  Amanda and Heather had an AWESOME Halloween party again this year.  It was an all-day event:)  
 The food was all adorable!  What would we do without pinterest?!?!

There were lots of games and activities planned.  First up was pin the bow tie on the skeleton.

Next on the agenda was a painting craft.

Then, eat the doughnut of a string...

Find the gummy worms...

Then there was a scavenger hunt.

Fish out marbles in FREEZING ICE COLD water.
Lane wanted to try!

Another craft.  I loved these things when I was little!
They made candy necklaces.
Bubble machine=hours of entertainment.

Halloween Bingo
It was a SUPER party!  I told the boys they wouldn't get a four hour long Halloween party at school:)

I still like my kids to coordinate.  Yes, make fun if you want.  We were a Batman theme this year.  Logan and Lucas were Zombie Batman and Robin.  A little creepy if you ask me.
 I even dressed up.  It was the first time I have dressed up since Logan was a baby.  Landon was relentless.
We only go a few places trick-or-treating mainly to see family.  We went to Mamaw and Papaw's for pics then to Barb's house.
We love to see Granny!  Lane fell asleep on the way though.
Last stop...Nana and Pappy's.

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