

Homeschool Co-op

This year's co-op has grown tremendously.  We had lots more families to participate this year than last.
This was at the end of the fall semester.  We had a choir and sign language performance.

We added a few new things to our co-op as well.  We added dress up days for the kids and also a yearbook.  I don't want my kids to feel like they are missing out, so this is a great opportunity to have the group setting they don't get at school.  Also, one of my favorite things about school was yearbook signing day!!

It was a great year and could not have been possible without all the moms and volunteers who put time in to teach and prepare for classes each week.  It is something that my kids look forward to each week!  Even though it's lots of work, I feel it is a necessity for my kids and all others in White County who homeschool:)

Amy Scoggins taught a basketball class that my boys LOVED.  We had a three on three tournament after yearbook signing.

I'm looking forward to next year!

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