

Back to School

New year.  Fresh start.  Refreshed and ready to go, well at least I am.  The boys are never anxious or ready to begin.  I enjoy the much needed summer break, but I am usually ready to begin the new year.  I really love teaching them and learning new things myself.  I have learned so much the second time around.  Logan is in the fifth grade this year and Lucas is in second.  Today as I post, we are actually on our sixth week, but I'm a little behind:)

A little math review for Lucas.
We started a new language curriculum this year.  Logan is getting acquainted with it on the first day.

When I went upstairs for something, they got my camera and made a few pictures.  When I came back downstairs they were giggling.  I saw why when I saw my camera.  They make me laugh every day.
Poor Lane.  They took a picture of his butt.

Lane's first day back to Preschool.
This year is much better than last!!  He no longer cries:)

1 comment:

  1. These are so good! I love the ones of Lane going into school with his backpack and lunch box!!! Precious! ��
