

Summer Bible Study: Jonah {2015}

Many years ago a dear friend introduced me to Inductive Bible Studies.  They were life changing and I began doing the children's versions with my boys as soon as they could read.  I am so thankful for them because they have allowed me to have so many wonderful moments with them in the Word together.  

Last summer, I had an idea to do a community wide Bible Study for children with everyone participating in the same study.  As I was telling my thoughts to some of my friends, the ideas bloomed into something greater than I had imagined.  We ended up having a fantastic turnout with many kids learning truths for themselves through the summer.  It was such a blessing to be able to work together with many others to share talents, ideas, and hands to work.   We met five weeks at the park to do story time, activities, and crafts on the book of Jonah.  

Measuring the length of several large fish to show that a man could easily fit inside. 

This is the size of an esophagus of some large whales.  It could fit a man with no problem.

These learned ALL five verses!!  WOO HOO!

Celebration with Mountain Sno on the last day!

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