


Earlier this year, we found out that my dad has prostate cancer.  After a series of tests and a procedure, I asked him if he would consider going to MD Anderson for treatments.  Marla Murray has been such a poster child for this facility and has had great care from doctors here, so after conversations and encouragement from her, we got scheduled for an appointment.  It is a HUGE facility and it was comical that I was trying to lead us around because I have zero sense of direction.  We made it though and we are still hopeful that they will be able to help treat his cancer.  We go back in July for more testing and treatment.

Sara Groves just happened to be in Houston on the last night we were there.  Dad had a late test so we missed most of the first half of the concert, but I was so glad we were able to see some of it.  She's my friend but she doesn't really know it.

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