

One Lucky Kid

In February, UPS delivered a large box to our front door that was addressed to Lucas. Landon and I were puzzled at what this box was because we couldn’t recall ordering something that would be this size. Also, the packages are usually addressed to us. We opened it and to our surprise it was a PS5! We were thoroughly confused because we didn’t order it. Then we thought Lucas might have made a large purchase without us knowing so Landon went back through all his banking to see if there was a charge. There wasn’t. We called Lucas down and asked him about it and he said he entered a contest on the back of a Mountain Dew can after Christmas. We just couldn’t believe it because we tried to buy this for Christmas and they were and still are unavailable. I looked up who the return address was and it was a marketing group. Needless to say, it was an exciting morning and I’m thankful for a snow days because not much school would have been accomplished anyway. I think I will buy a case of Mountain Dew to thank them.

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