

Lynyrd Skynyrd Concert

This was a bittersweet evening because this was something that I shared with my dad...a love for Lynyrd Skynyrd.  He could tell you any trivia fact about every member of this band.  He knew every song, when it was written, who wrote it, which album it was on.  He also could reel off every detail about their plane crash and all the events around it.  His love for this music rubbed off on me at a very early age and we would jam to their songs regularly.  He even took me to see them in concert with one of my friends, Samantha Duncan.  I saw they were coming to Knoxville and I was so pumped when Landon got us tickets to go.  Even though there weren't any original band members at this concert, it was still so awesome.  I looked around at the people and they were all much older than me, but I knew my dad would have loved it.  Landon looked at me and said, "These are your dad's people."  I wish I could have experienced it again with him too.  I did fine until the last song, but when they played Freebird I couldn't stop the tears.

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