

Perseverance and Some Good Company

This last week has been a test of perseverance for me in several areas of my life.  The all-consuming job of a house remodel has been the major area.  I type this with glee...the wallpaper is finally finished.  No more ducks, stripes, and flowers!!!  The first day I started in the dining room and I was by myself with a dead ipod.  I thought I might go crazy thinking of the task ahead of me.  I really can't imagine doing this for a living.  Over the next few days, it was much better, even suprisingly semi-enjoyable.   Only because of the good company and wonderful help.  I would like to say thanks to some special strippers:) 
Shawna Price...steamer girl.  She was a wallpaper stripping fool with the steamer:) 
If she wasn't helping at the house, she was babysitting my kids.  Thanks Shawna!!

Kim Malone kept us all laughing.  I almost fell of the ladder laughing one time. 
She is definately the life of the party:)

Julie Brown, my faithful friend.  She helped not only with the wallpaper, but by watching my kids too!  You're the best!

If you ever need wallpaper stripped, you need Aubrey Sims.  She was doing circles around us all. 
We were all amazed at how fast she was compared to us:) 

The boys also "helped".

Also, a special thanks to Trish Frasier for watching the boys
one day so I could work.  It was greatly appreciated!!

Most rooms weren't too bad to get the wallpaper off with a little patience.   Sometimes you get lucky and pull off huge strips, while other times, every centimeter of the room is effort.  I started working on the kitchen and discovered that it was going to be a nightmare to do.  I saved this room for last...not sure if that was a good idea.  This is what happens later when you skip steps in a project...
They applied the wallpaper right to the sheetrock with no primer.  These walls are an absolute mess and  
will take some work to fix.  UGG!

Another bedroom upstairs was extremely difficult to remove.  Julie and I were the only ones left working on it one evening.  We were sharing the steamer and started getting a bit delirious.  She said it looked like a cat had a fit and scratched up the walls.  We thought it was hilarious.  I think the steam was starting to affect us.  haha. 
I cannot wait to paint the Cat Scratch Pepto Bismol Blush and Bashful room.

Quite a mess!

Anyone need some ruffled curtains?  I've got plenty.

There are some things that over time you forget how bad they really are, such as childbirth, moving, painting cabinets, and stripping wallpaper.  I close my eyes and envision peeling off large strips, and I have rubbed a sore on my thumb from the scraper.  I will NEVER hang one piece of wallpaper ever!  I am glad it's over, and I can't wait to paint!!!! 

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