

Ramona and a Little Hope

We decided we were going to have a family movie night one night this weekend.  When I mentioned this, I planned on just watching a movie we already have, but Landon told the boys we would go pick out a new movie at Wal-Mart.  The catch was they had to agree on the movie we were going to buy.  Well, that was an adventure!  I really wanted to see Ramona and Beezus, but the boys didn't want to because it looked too girly. 

Logan wanted to get a movie that was PG-13, but I told him no.  Lucas started crying because he couldn't get the one he wanted.  I ended up taking Lucas to the van without him getting to help pick out the movie because of the fit he threw.  By the end, they were both crying, and I thought it was ridiculous behavior!!  As it turns out, Logan ended up getting Ramona and Beezus, but because of the way they acted, we didn't get to watch it that night and had to wait a few days before we got to do our movie night.  I don't want to have ungrateful children.  They were getting a treat for crying out loud!!  I think they learned a lesson though:)

We finally got to watch the movie and I loved it (the boys did too)!  Actually, we have already watched it twice, and Lucas asked to watch it again.  It used to read Beverly Cleary books as a child and really looked forward to seeing one as a movie.  

It was nice to have a fun family movie that isn't inappropriate and actually portrays a normal, functional family.  I did notice that they have lots of wallpaper in their house!

When I watch a movie, I am weird, because I get totally involved in it, as if they are real people.  When I was watching this movie, I noticed at the ages of the kids:  Beezus, age 15, Ramona, age 8, and then Roberta, the baby.  The reason that I paid particular attention to this detail is because we have been trying to have another baby for the last year.  A few months ago, this really almost sent me into depression because it wasn't happening according to my time table.   I know that I should be thankful for my two wonderful, healthy boys, but when you have a desire and it's not happening, it is easy to get discouraged.  Especially when it seems that everyone around me is having no trouble getting pregnant (although I am happy for each of them). 

We have discussed adopting, but haven't looked into it yet.  When I worked at All-Nations Camp several years as a teenager, I always envisioned adopting a little Chinese girl.  It's still an option.  Also, I ask everyone that I know that is pregnant if I can have their takers yet.  haha.  Last week, I had someone volunteer to be a surrogate mother.  Something to consider:)   I kind of feel like I might be Sarai (Abraham's wife) if we were to do something like this, as if we might be forcing something.  However, I am not planning on loaning out my husband like Sarai did. 

I have been a bit concerned about the age difference, but after watching Ramona and Beezus, I was reminded that it will be ok.  I know that it is crazy that a made up family could affect me in this way, but I realized that even if they are seven or eight years apart, they will get along just fine. 

We may not have any more at all, and it will be ok as well.  I am sure I need to learn another lesson in patience.

1 comment:

  1. Terri, it will all work out perfectly. :) I met a lady at the pool yesterday who had FIVE boys and no girls....... LOL I understand the want for a baby, but I also understand looking back and seeing the hand of God allowing or not allowing things in my life. Hang in there and enjoy each day with the kids you have and if God blesses you w another it will just be an extra blessing. I know you already know this. Love ya!
