

Summer Activity Group #1: OMC

Last year I organized a summer activity group so the kids could get together to play with friends and have an activity.  We decided to do it again this year and we have had a variety of activities so far.  Julie was in charge of the first week.  She planned something that she had just done with the Middle School for an end of the year activity.  It was called Organized Mass Chaos...and chaos it was!

We divided the group into two teams.
The blue team.
The red team.  (Kathy didn't get the memo to put her kids in the appropriate colors.  haha)
There was a bucket of cards with a task to complete.  Each child had to do their individual card with everyone doing a different task at the same time...hence the chaos. 

Once they completed their card, they put it another basket.
I can't remember what this was about, but I'm sure Kathy will appreciate it.  ☺
It was MESSY and WET.
Julie recruited some of her students to come and help us.  It was so sweet of them to come!

At the end, they counted to see which team had the most tasks completed.
Thank you, Julie, for hosting us at your house and organizing our first activity!! 

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