

Summer Activity Group #2: Art Canvas

For the second week of our activity group, many were out of town and unable to attend.  Although the group was small, it was still fun.  It was my week to coordinate the activity, and we did an art project at the park.  We traced an outline of an image for the kids to paint. 

The finished projects...

I love how Callie's turned out!!  So cute!

Logan came up with his idea all on his own.  He was very specific in what he wanted to paint, which was unlike him.  He wanted to do Bilbo Baggins with the ring around his neck. 
Lucas changed his mind about ten times, but he finally decided on a shark.
Aiden liked the shark too☺
Julie was so proud of Chloe's tree.  haha. She finally just had to walk away and let her do it on her own.  It looks like her tree is bleeding. 
Chloe wrote on the back of hers.  It was so sweet.
I made one for Julie's new classroom.  I'm so proud of her!!!  She has been wanting to be a librarian for years!

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