


This year we had my mom and step-dad at our house on Thanksgiving day for a meal.  I used my china for the second time in fifteen years!!  I decided that I need to use it more:)  My problem, though, is I have service for eight.  That eliminates many gatherings because we usually have more than eight, especially since we have a family of five.  But this Thanksgiving it worked perfectly.   I may need to look into getting more.  Good thing I picked a common china pattern!  
I wish I had room to add Lane's little hand.  I guess I need to just do a separate plate for him because he kept asking if that was his hand.
Wishbone time!!!
Landon was the turkey cook!
 Mom made everything else.  I was's not my forte.
Aren't we classy?  Sipping iced tea from a fancy glass in pjs.

We have Thanksgiving with Landon's family the day after Thanksgiving.  This year it was at Rebecca's beautiful new home. 

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