

North Pole Party

This year I almost didn't do this party.  I discussed not having it with Rebecca and Kathy at the Thanksgiving meal at church and they both about fell in the floor.  They both talked me into it, and I'm glad they did.  It's a lot of work and extremely chaotic, but wonderful memories are made.  I realize I have few years left to enjoy the childhood magic....tear!  

Reindeer Bar

The of my favorite parts of the party!!  Each mom signs up for a few things to bring.
Rebecca's lovely cheese ball!
We were all IMPRESSED with Julie's veggie tree!
Trish was crafty with with her snowman display.

Rebecca was in charge of the Christmas List ornaments.  All the mom's love these!  They are precious keepsakes to hang each year. 

Trish did a project for our Compassion International children.
Getting the hot chocolate ready!

Getting ready to play that make you blush!  haha.  Jamie had them play a race game that the guys renamed "the saggy sac game." 
They are going to look back on these pics and die.

The next game wasn't as uncomfortable to watch.  haha.

Cookie Decorating:

Here's what Jeremy thought about the party!

Hot Chocolate Bar

Memory Lane to Past Parties:

This year

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