

Christmas in Egypt

This year at church our play was called "Christmas in Egypt."  It was a cute play with a different perspective on the telling of the birth of Christ.  It was set in Egypt which was a few years after the birth.  That would make Jesus a few years old.  Lane got to play the part.  Lucas had a small speaking part and Logan was the narrator.

We were scheduled to perform the first Sunday in December, however, we had several kids with the flu.  They were dropping like flies...including some major parts.  We had filled in many of the parts where I felt like it would still work.  About an hour before the kids were supposed to be there for rehearsal the night of the play, Lane started throwing up.  We ended up postponing the play until the Sunday after Christmas.  It worked:)

A few last minute directions.

I'm not sure who gave him a flashlight.
These two did a super job!
He wasn't too happy that I made him wear this.
I loved the costumes!!

I was afraid this would happen.  haha. 

Sheba, Delta, and Cleopatty

Joseph, Jesus, and Mary

Child 1-6 Speaking Parts

Pharaoh and the Heralds

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