

Logan's 11th Birthday

For Logan's birthday this year we took him and a group of friends to Jump Jam, a trampoline park, in Knoxville, TN.  His birthday is in the middle of December which is a really busy time of the year to plan a party.  So, we decided to have his party after Christmas.  He didn't want to wait, but it ended up working out the best and it gave him something to look forward to after Christmas.  None of the boys had been here before so it made it even more exciting!

It's a little challenging to get a group picture on a trampoline.  I'm glad I snapped quickly because it turned to this in just a few seconds...

The boys love the basketball goal on their trampoline.  I knew they would love this one!

Jumping into the foam pit!
Lucas blends in!

Obstacle Course:
I love Riley's face in this one!

They camped out in this spot for a while.  They wanted to try and touch the ball hanging from the ceiling.  Cameron didn't have trouble with it because he is so tall!  Logan and Bray were determined to touch it.  They tried and tried until they both did it!  It was funny to watch their persistence and dedication.  
Look at Colby.  haha

Dodge Ball!!
I think Landon got a little too much enjoyment in pegging kids with the dodge ball.  :)
Two hours of jumping made for a group of sweaty and hungry boys!


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